Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Mom Just Doesn't Understand!!

 Oh my word! How could she do this to me!!! Mom hates me, I just know it!

 I was all excited that I got to go for a ride in the car with mom while she ran some errands. It was great. Front seat, windows down, ears flopping in the wind. And then it happened!!! Oh my gosh, she pulled into McDonald's! Sweet happiness is close at hand, I can taste it! She only orders one thing and we pull closer to the wafting smells of heaven. People talking, hurry up, hurry up and pull forward faster. The smells are overwhelming now and if I get the chance I am climbing all over her to get that food! She tells me to stay in my seat, like that's going to happen! And then the bag of awesomeness is in the car with me! I sit and wait for my very own golden fried potato stick and she just looks at me. She eats another and another and another. What is she doing!?!? They are all going to be gone soon, nnoooooooooo! She finally looks at me again and says that I don't get any.

I just look at her like, excuse me, I don't think I heard you right. What do you mean I don't get any? Do you know who I am? This is not how this works.

This Is how this works!!! My fairy godmother gives me fries! I'm a stinking princess and that's how the stories go!!

But no, she didn't budge on the matter, not at all. 
Well, we will just see what happens next time!!


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Maybe I Can Find China

Now my fun is almost over. We are going to pack up the car soon and head back home but, I don't wanna! I have had soo much fun at Papa's house. I played chase with mom in the yard everyday! I caught a bug in the house and ate it before mom noticed! And then I dug a hole in the yard while no one was watching!! That was absolutely the best and
I will gladly pay the price of a bath for that fun.

It looks like a short post today but maybe I will have more fun to share tomorrow.


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Who decided to change my morning!?

This time change is for the birds! I stayed up later because I couldn't  sleep. Then when I was finally drifting off to beauty sleep land, mom had to keep me up with her tossing and turning!  How am I supposed to stay fabulous and fun if I don't get my sleep?  I tried to hide for as long as possible this morning, snuggled deep under the covers. I only got 20 more minutes till I was forced, kicking and screaming out of bed.  Something about Dad being awake and Mom wanted to snuggle with him before the day starts. Yeah, well I like snuggling with Dad too! But I wasn't consulted and instead I got the boot.

So, Mom looks at me and has the audacity to ask if I want to go to Papa's house today. Ummm, what part of, at the door and ready to go, would make you think otherwise? I love Papa's house! I get to play in the yard and run until I cant run anymore. The rents come out and play with me too. I'm off my leash the whole time! And the best part! The absolute best part about going to Papa's house!! Papa and family do a lot of grilling back there and I know all the great spots where the juice drips onto the grass. There is nothing more amazing then all that yumminess!! And its all mine, every time I go to Papa's house. This girl is going to be in heaven later today and I can't wait.                     
Ugg! But first the dreaded car ride. I don't like that part at all. I don't get sick or anything like that, I just don't like being in the back seat. If mom would trade, and let me be upfront, I wouldn't care. I mean I love when she takes me places without dad. Dibs on the front seat! I can do this because the pay off is Papa's house. I'm just going to pout the whole way and let them know I'm not happy. 


Saturday, November 5, 2016

My Tragic Tail

So, life wasn't always as wonderful and amazing as it is now. Let me tell you a story...

On a sad lonely street in Abilene Tx, I was left abandoned. Wandering the streets by myself in search of someone to adopt me, I met a laid-back dog named Dodger who assists me in stealing food from a hot dog vendor named Louie. Dodger then flees the scene without sharing any of the bounty I helped to get!!! I follow Dodger all throughout the streets, desperately trying to keep up, until he eventually arrived at the shack of a pickpocket named Fagin, along with MY meal, to give to his friends: Tito the chihuahua, Einstein the Great Dane, Rita the Afghan Hound, and Francis the bulldog. I sneak inside and am discovered by the dogs. Let me tell you, I was scared to death! I was just a small, little pup and I didn't know anything of the big scary world.  After a moment of confusion, they received me with a warm welcome. Everyone was super cool and started telling me all sorts of things that I needed to know to survive on the mean Abilene streets. So then Fagin comes in and explains that he is running out of time to repay some money he borrowed from this bad dude Bill Sykes, a nefarious junkyard agent and loan shark, whatever that is. So, Sykes tells Fagin it must be paid in three days, or else. Then, Sykes' dobermans, Roscoe and DeSoto, attack me!! ME!!! But, the other dogs totally come to my rescue and save my tail. It was close, and for a moment, I saw my short fury life flash before my eyes. Now Fagin is depressed and goes back to the shack, super upset that he only has three days to find the money. And let me tell you, it is a lot of money. Of course the other dogs cheer him up because that's what we do and stuff. Finally they introduce me, and, considering that we all could help each other our here, accepts me into the gang. Can you believe it!  A gang. Me, in a gang!!! That's right, I'm bad.
The next day we all hit the streets to sell some junk and maybe use some of the tips and tricks everyone was giving me the day before, if you know what I mean, wink wink. Well,Tito and me had a great idea to  sabotage a limousine but just kinda fail when I accidentally start it, jolting Tito, and I'm caught and dognapped by the girl inside and her butler, Winston. Crazy, I know! how does all this stuff keep happening to sweet little ol' me. Her parents are out of town for some reason and she adopts me out of loneliness. But the plot thickens because Georgette, her pompous and pampered poodle, is enraged and jealous of my cute fabulousness and wants me out. Dodger and crew manage to dognap me back that same day. So, I totally tell them that they were kinda nice with that fancy house and all, but Dodger thinks I'm being ungrateful, and tells me if I liked it there so much maybe I should leave. But instead, Fagin concocts a plan to ransom me back!  Little did I know, Fagin tells Sykes of his plan, who says he is proud of him for "starting to think big".
Now, Jenny (that's her name) meets up with Fagin, who is surprised that the "very rich pet owner" is only a little girl. He kinda gets a heart after seeing her upset and weeping over losing me, so he gives me back free of charge. But wait, there's more! Sykes comes out of the shadows and kidnaps Jenny!!!! He said Fagin's debt was paid now since he is just going to ransom Jenny to her parents. I mean great for Fagin but, what about Jenny. She was super scared, I mean I would be.
Dodger totally steps up and rallies the troupes to rescue Jenny from Sykes, but Roscoe, and DeSoto try to stop us just as we free her. Fagin saves us with his scooter and a chase ensues into the back alleys around town. There are too many of us for the scooter and Jenny is pushed onto the hood of Sykes's car, where she holds onto the hood ornament, and Dodger and me try to rescue her... again! Roscoe and DeSoto fall off the car in the struggle and land on the railroad tracks, and I wont go into what happened next. So, Tito drives the scooter while Fagin gets Jenny, and drives it up the side of the Brooklyn Bridge!!! 
Oh, oops, so that was just Disney's Oliver and Company that I got from Wikipedia but, it sounds so cool. Mom said it was her fav when she was little and I liked it too. But, I was homeless for the first 3 months, then the pound picked me up and brought me in. I was held for what felt like forever but mom said was only like 2 days when they moved me to the puppy wing. Mom and Dad just happened to come in that same day and they walked right past my cuteness!! Whats the deal with that? I will say there was another pup in there with me and he was kinda all over the place so I guess I could see why. They walked past a few times till finally, Dad got smart and stopped to give me the time of day. Rents might be smart, but sometimes they can be slow! When he saw me he fell in love and that was it. Mom had no choice in the matter. And that is how this little angle came to be. 
 Seriously though, how could anyone resist this face. Also, if they did a Broadway version of Oliver and Company, I would be a shoe-in for Oliver.  I would bring down the house and not a dry eye would be found. It would the the spectacular spectacle of the age!!!
Hmm... I might have found my calling. Till next time, I'm off to be a star!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Welcome To My Life!

And what a wonderful life it is!

Well if you hadn't figured it out, my name is Rosie. And just to let you know, I AM FABULOUS!

Right now I'm bored, at home in my room, waiting patiently for my Mom and Dad to come home from work.  I have chewed my bone a few times, drank some water, napped on my king size comforter I got from my parents bed, and destroyed the rug my mom spent weeks making for me. Now, I have nothing to do for the next few hours.

So of course I got the great idea to start this blog! I can do it while the rents are away and tell all about the mischief I get into. And I get away with it because they know I am adorable! I am the apple of their eye. Their reason for being.  I mean really, who wouldn't think this face is just precious? I even have a Fairy Godmother, and she thinks I am too much cuteness in one dog body, and she is right!

Any who! I am going to plan out my next post and collect some pictures of me so I can share all about my wonderful life.
